Blaze Robotics

Competitive robotics has it all - teamwork, robots, technological skills, competition and, most importantly, fun. Blaze Robotics offers the leading grades 6-8 VEX Middle School V5 (EDR) and grades 3-5 VEX IQ robotics programs in Washington State, as well as offering grades 9-12 VEX High School V5 robotics program through their partnership with Ignite Robotics. Backed by Blaze Edu and Ignite Robotics, Blaze Robotics Academy has access to over 10 years of robotics experience and promises to provide an exciting experience for all participants.

Work hard. Play Hard.

  • Dream it.

    The VEX robotics challenge is based around creativity. Teams are given an ecosystem of parts and a game challenge and are tasked to design their own robot.

  • Build it.

    After coming up with a design, teams will construct, wire and code their robots. Teams need to work together to ensure all members are actively involved in construction of the robot.

  • Grow it.

    Once the robot is built, it is iterated on to ensure it will be competitive in matches. Teams improve hardware, software, and driver abilities.